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Romania este o tara a extremelor. De vreo 20 de ani, una dintre aceste extreme este a 4-a putere in stat. PRESA! Mai exact, PRESA SPORTIVA. In continuarea articolului de ieri, venim cu demontarea mitului “Nu există aşa ceva în Europa civilizată”. Este ceea ce sustine “celebrul” jurnalist, Radu Naum, alaturi de alti colegi. Este adevarat? Nicaieri in “Europa Civilizata” nu exista finantare din bani publici? Cat de mari sunt minciunile presei sportive din Romania?

Steaua, banul public si “Nu exista asa ceva in Europa civilizata”, sunt zi de zi pe buzele unor jurnalisti care se ocupa cu propaganda. Atat de slabi pregatiti si rau intentionati, incat Radu Naum il intreba aseara pe Burleanu daca a existat vreo directiva UEFA care interzicea accesul echipelor departamentale in competitiile organizare de forul international. De ce spunem slab pregatiti si rau intentionati? Pentru ca informatia a fost demontata in urma cu multi ani si argumentata de 2-3 raspunsuri oficiale, oferite de catre UEFA catre suporterii Stelei.

AS 47
Raspuns UEFA, Steaua Bucuresti, Echipe departamentale, AS47

Romania, Steaua si banul public

Incepem demontarea acestei propagande prin a ne uita in propria curte: Romania. Stat membru NATO si UE, Romania este unul dintre statele care finanteaza sportul in masa. Cand ne referim la sportul in masa, Romania detine multe CS-uri (Cluburi Sportive) prin intermediul carora desfasoara aceasta activitate. Aceasta strategie a adus Romaniei sute de medalii la olimpiade, europene si campionate mondiale. Aceeasi strategie a adus si doua trofee continentale prin Steaua Bucuresti si au ridicat Dinamo si Craiova in topul european pentru cativa ani. CSA Steaua Bucuresti este unul dintre aceste CS-uri.

Dupa revolutie, fotbalul romanesc a fost atins de “investitori”, “patroni” si “oameni de afaceri”, iar sportul rege a inceput sa scada in calitate, in timp ce bazele sportive sfarseau in paragina. Unii dintre noi au fost printre fericitii care au prins “Cupa Liceelor” la Polivalenta, alaturi de staruri precum George Ogararu sau Stefan Radu. Acea competitie care era menita sa aduca CS-urilor jucatori de perspectiva si neidentificati, a fost ultima piesa sanatoasa a sistemului care functiona in Romania. A mai avut Gheorghe Hagi o tentativa cu competitia “Cupa Danone”, insa aceasta nu a reusit sa se ridice la anvergura Cupei Liceelor.

In 2023, Romania are fotbalul la pamant, iar presa face propaganda pe tema “banului public” pentru a nu lasa in Superliga o singura echipa, un singur CS, o singura disciplina sportiva a unui CS. Motivatia si ura nu se regasesc in discursul lui Radu Naum, atunci cand vine vorba de Steaua la handbal, gimnastica, baschet, polo, rugby, scrima, etc. Nu se regasesc nici atunci cand se vorbeste despre Marian Dragulescu, Sandra Izbasa, Ana Maria Branza, Ana Maria Bogdan, Bernadette Szocs, Alina Dumitru, David Popovici sau Vlad Stancu.

Amintiti-va toata propaganda pozitiva pentru David Popovici. “Statul trebuie sa faca bazine”, “Baiatul asta merita mai multi bani”, ultima: “Salariu de Liga a 2-a pentru David Popovici”. David Popovici fiind acum legitimat la CS Dinamo, club departamental si a fost modelat de CSA Steaua care nu avea de unde sa-i ofere un bazin Olimpic. Toata presa sportiva din Romania cerea ca statul sa investeasca bani in infrastructura si sportivi pentru natatie.

Motivatia si ura nu se regasesc in discursul lui Naum sau al colegilor, atunci cand vorbim despre echipele in Pitesti, Iasi, Buzau, Chiajna, Sibiu, Cluj, Timisoara, Voluntari si 99.9% din echipele de fotbal din Romania care primesc bani de la stat intr-o forma sau alta.

Nu există aşa ceva în Europa civilizată

Oare? Chiar asa sa fie?


In 2020, o comisie UE definitiva o ancheta si concluzia era: “Barcelona and Real Madrid use taxpayers money unfairly, rules EU Commission”. Statul a bagat bani in Real Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Ath Bilbao, Osasuna, Elche si a discriminat competitia. Comisia Europeana nu se refera la perioada Covid-19.

Comisia Europeana a anchetat:

Name of clubYear of measureDescription
Real Madrid CF2011A settlement on a transfer of land from the City of Madrid to Real Madrid agreed in 1998. Eventually, the transfer did not take place. The settlement to compensate for the absence of the transfer was based on a re-evaluation of that land at a value of €22.7 million, instead of the 1998 value of €595 000.

The Commission investigation showed that Real Madrid was entitled to compensation of €4.3 million, so that Real Madrid obtained an advantage of €18.4 million.
Real Madrid CF, FC Barcelona, Athletic Club Bilbao, Club Atlético OsasunaSince 1990Privileges regarding corporate taxation of Real Madrid CF, FC Barcelona, Athletic Club Bilbao and Club Atlético Osasuna. These fourclubs were exempted from the general obligation for professional football clubs to become sport limited companies.

The effect of this exemption was that these four clubs enjoyed a preferential corporate tax rate of 25% instead of 30% applicable to sport limited companies. Spain has adjusted its legislation on corporate taxation to end this discriminatory treatment effective as of January 2016.
Valencia CF2009 and 20102009: State guarantee by the Valencia Institute of Finance for a bank loan of €75 million from Bancaja (now Bankia) to Fundaciόn Valencia Club de Fútbol, which was used to finance the acquisition of shares of Valencia CF by Fundaciόn Valencia Club de Fútbol.2010:

The Valencia Institute of Finance increased its guarantee to Fundaciόn Valencia Club de Fútbol by €6 million to cover overdue capital, interest and costs, stemming from a defaulted payment of the guaranteed loan previously granted to Valencia CF.
Hercules CF2010State guarantee by the Valencia Institute of Finance for a bank loan of €18 million from Caja de Ahorros del Mediterraneo to Fundaciόn Hercules de Alicante, which was used to finance the acquisition of shares of Hercules CF by Fundaciόn Hercules de Alicante.
Elche CF2013State guarantee by the Valencia Institute of Finance for two bank loans of €14 million in total, from CAM (€9 million) and from Banco de Valencia (€5 million), to Fundaciόn Elche Club de Fútbol, which was used to finance the acquisition of shares of Elche CF by Fundaciόn Elche Club de Fútbol.
sursa: ec.europa.eu

Nu exista asta ceva in Europa civilizata?


Ce face PSG? “PSG again turn to government help to pay their staff“.

The company paid 100 million euros for the matches they broadcast, but not 172.3 million euros on October 5, nor 152.5 million on December 5.

As a result, practically all Ligue 1 clubs have turned to state aid in order to pay their staff, while awaiting the arrival of another broadcaster to take over the television rights.

Currently, Ligue 1 games won’t be broadcast after February 5 if no agreement is found.

France Bleu Paris have reported that PSG are using the state payments to pay 400 of their 700 employees, not including playing staff.

PSG had already announced losses of 124 million euros due to the pandemic, with them no longer relying on the state of Qatar to fund the club.

Cum? Bani publici pentru plata salariilor din fotbalul profesionist din Franta?


The Orban government spent billions on Hungarian football clubs in Serbia, Romania and Slovakia

“The Hungarian government is financially supporting soccer wherever it can: new stadiums are being built across the country. Besides professional soccer, there is a huge amount of money spent on junior teams and training the new generations of soccer players as well.

The most famous of the soccer academy is in the home village of Viktor Orbán, in Felcsút. That academy received more than 20 billion Hungarian forints (approximately €62 million at today’s exchange rate) from taxpayer funds – in the form of corporate taxes directed towards it.

In the past few months, we have visited BGA Zrt. several times to learn how exactly they are supporting soccer clubs outside Hungary. We learned that BGA gave FK Csíkszereda 1.33 billion Hungarian forints (approximately €4 million) for the academy’s dormitory and the viewing area that can seat a thousand people. BGA also gave 480 million forints (approximately €1.49 million) for the two soccer fields and for operating costs.

But it was not only BGA that financed the project. MLSZ gave 1.82 billion forints (approximately €5.6 million) for three additional soccer fields and operating costs. The total from BGA and MLSZ is 3.63 billion forints (approximately €11.2 million). However, the club had one more sponsor, the state-owned Hungarian national lottery company.

There is another club in Transylvania that received Hungarian taxpayer money: Sepsi OSK, a club in Sepsiszentgyörgy that plays in the Romanian premier league also got 2 billion forints (approximately €6.19 million) in the past few years.

The Romanian company that operates Sepsi OSK is connected to Károly Varga, a former business partner of Lőrinc Mészáros. The majority, 51 percent of the company called Sepsi OSK SA is owned by HODUT ROM SRL, a subsidiary of Hungarian Hódút Kft, a construction company specializing in road construction.

The minority owner of Sepsi OSK SA is the sports club Asociata Club Sportiv Sepsi OSK. The ultimate beneficial owner of Hódút in Hungary is Károly Varga, who used to co-own two companies with Mészáros, chairman of the Felcsút football academy”

Din cate se pare, Ungaria(stat membru UE si NATO) investest bani publici in fotbalul profesionist din Romania , pe langa cel din Serbia si Slovacia

Alte anchete UE din trecut

  1. Consolidated Version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union [2008] OJ C 115/47.
  2. Cases C-415/93 Bosman, EU:C:1995:463 and C-325/08 Olympique Lyonnais, EU:C:2010:143.
  3. See e.g. Commission Decision SA.33584 State aid to Dutch football clubs [2013] OJ C 116/19.
  4. See e.g. Commission Decision SA.40168 State aid for the professional football club Willem II in Tilburg [2017] OJ L 16/28.
  5. Commission Notice on the notion of State aid as referred to in Article 107(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union [2016] OJ C 262/1, para. 74.
  6. Commission Decision SA.33584 State aid to Dutch football clubs [2013] OJ C 116/19, paras. 42–44.
  7. Ibid., para. 61.
  8. Commission Decision SA.41613 Aid to Dutch Football Club PSV [2016] OJ L 282/75, paras. 47–66.
  9. Commission Decision SA.41612 Aid to Dutch Football Club MVV [2016] OJ L 282/53, para. 27.
  10. Ibid., para. 35.
  11. Commission Decision SA.40168 State aid for the professional football club Willem II in Tilburg [2017] OJ L 16/28, para. 33.
  12. Ibid., para. 35.
  13. Commission Decision SA.41617 Aid to Dutch Football Club NEC [2016] OJ L 320/40, para. 56.
  14. Ibid., para. 63.
  15. Commission Decision SA.41614 Aid to Dutch Football Club Den Bosch [2016] OJ L 306/19, paras. 51–53.
  16. Ibid., paras. 58–59.
  17. Community Guidelines on State aid for rescuing and restructuring firms in difficulty [2004] OJ C 244/2. The application of those guidelines was prolonged by the Commission communication concerning the prolongation of the application of the Community guidelines on State aid for rescuing and restructuring firms in difficulty of 1 October 2004 [2012] OJ C 296/2.
  18. See e.g. Commission Decision State aid for the professional football club Willem II in Tilburg [2017] OJ L 16/28, para. 45.
  19. See e.g. Commission Decision State aid for the professional football club Willem II in Tilburg [2017] OJ L 16/28, para. 56.
  20. Ley 10/1990, de 15 de octubre, del Deporte, BOE de 17 de Octubre de 1990.
  21. Ley 10/1990, de 15 de octubre, del Deporte, BOE de 17 de Octubre de 1990, Seventh Additional Disposition.
  22. Commission decision SA.29769 Aid to certain Spanish football clubs [2016] OJ L 357/1, paras. 56, 60.
  23. Commission decision SA.33754 Aid to Real Madrid-ES [2016] OJ L 358/3, para. 91.
  24. Ibid., para. 93.
  25. Commission decision SA.36387 Aid to Valencia football clubs [2017] OJ L 55/12, para. 56. The guarantees at issue were granted by the Instituto Valenciano de Finanzas (IVF). As the State had a clear and direct influence on IVF, guarantees provided by the IVF constitute State resources and are imputable to Spain.
  26. Commission Notice on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty to State aid in the form of guarantees [2008] OJ C 155/2.
  27. Commission Notice on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty to State aid in the form of guarantees [2008] OJ C 155/2, para. 3.2.
  28. Commission decision SA.36387 Aid to Valencia football clubs [2017] OJ L 55/12, para. 86.
  29. Commission decision SA.29769 Aid to certain Spanish football clubs [2016] OJ L 357/1, paras. 86–87.
  30. Four actions for annulment against the recovery decision are currently pending before the General Court: T-865/16, T-846/16, T-845/16 and T-679/16.
  31. Commission decision SA.33754 Aid to Real Madrid-ES [2016] OJ L 358/3, paras. 134–135.
  32. Commission decision SA.33754 Aid to Real Madrid-ES [2016] OJ L 358/3, para. 142.
  33. Real Madrid has brought an action for annulment before the General Court against Commission decision SA.33754 ordering recovery of the aid: T-791/16.
  34. Commission Notice on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty to State aid in the form of guarantees [2008] OJ C 155/2, para. 4.2.
  35. The three Valencian football clubs each brought actions for annulment before the General Court against the Commission’s decision ordering recovery of the aid: T-766/16R, T-732/16 R, T-901/16 and T-134/17.
  36. Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 of 17 June 2014 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market in application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty [2014] OJ L 187/1.
  37. E.g. Case C-288/11 Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG and Flughafen Leipzig-Halle GmbH v Commission, ECLI:EU:C:2012:821.
  38. Art. 5 Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 of 17 June 2014 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market in application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty [2014] OJ L 187/1.
  39. Art. 1(4)(c) Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 of 17 June 2014 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market in application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty [2014] OJ L 187/1.
  40. Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1084 of 14 June 2017 amending Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 as regards aid for port and airport infrastructure, notification thresholds for aid for culture and heritage conservation and for aid for sport and multifunctional recreational infrastructures, and regional operating aid schemes for outermost regions and amending Regulation (EU) No 702/2014 as regards the calculation of eligible costs [2017] OJ L 156/1.
  41. Art. 55(2) Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 of 17 June 2014 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market in application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty [2014] OJ L 187/1.

A se remarca ca anchetele au vizat cluburi din Franta, Germania, Regatul Tarilor de Jos si Spania.


Intr-o forma sau alta, statele europene din “Europa Civilizata” au ajutat cluburile de fotbal profesioniste cu BANI PUBLICI. Unele dintre ajutoare au fost sanctionate de catre Comisia Europeana, altele au fost aprobate/au fost ignorate. Singura grija a Uniunii Europene este aceea ca aceste ajutoare sa nu creeze concurenta neloiala.

Autostrada “banului public” in fotbalul “Europei civilizate” are multi Kilometri si duce mai departe, in state precum Polonia, Belgia, Slovenia, Portugalia, Italia, etc. Chiar daca domnul Naum nu vrea sa auda de Rusia, belarus sau Kazahstan, aceste tari au raporturi comerciale cu statele Europene din categoria “tari civilizate”. Drept urmare, banii cetatenilor din UE se regasesc in gazul din Rusia si Kazahstan, in echipele care pana in 2022, activau in competitiile UEFA. In special banii platitorilor de taxe din Germania, Franta, Spania, Belgia, Tarile de jos, Cehia si Ungaria.
Sa ne amintim si de echipele care erau/sunt sponsorizate de Gazprom? Fly Emirates si Qatar? Tot din Europa civilizată a domnului Naum. Cert este ca atat Radu Naum cat si alti jurnalisti de propaganda, ofera publicului informatii false, jumatati de adevaruri. Astfel, protejand actuala gasca de infractori din fotbalul romanesc si tinand la distanta CS-urile din Romania de fotbalul profesionist. unul dintre acele CS-uri este CSA Steaua Bucuresti, Club care a investit peste 2 miliioane de euro in Academie, este in top 10 academii din Romania, insa dupa parerea dansului, nu este suficient de profesionist pentru “Europa Civilizata”.

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